Ball valve seat gasket

Ball valve seat gasket

The ball valve seat gasket is a crucial component in the valve body, located above the valve seat and fixed in the seat groove. It forms a tight sealing contact between the ball and seat ring when closed, preventing medium from passing through the valve. When opened, the seat ring separates slightly from the ball, allowing medium to flow. The seat ring selection should consider medium characteristics, working pressure, and temperature.



Ball valve seat gasket is generally used inside the valve body of the ball valve, close to the ball inside. It is usually located above the valve seat of the ball valve and fixed in the seat groove in the valve body. When the ball valve is closed, a tight sealing contact is formed between the ball and the seat ring, preventing the medium from passing through the valve. When the ball valve opens, the ball rotates and the seat ring slightly separates from the ball, allowing the medium to flow through the valve. The material of the seat ring is frequently elastic, such as polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), etc., to ensure good sealing performance. The selection of the seat ring should be reasonably selected based on factors such as medium characteristics, working pressure and temperature to meet the requirements of specific applications.

Technical data

Material PTFE
Density 2.15 – 2.20 g/cm³
Temperature range -200 °C to 260 °C
Friction coefficient 0.05 – 0.10
Linear thermal expansion coefficient 12 – 15 × 10^-5/°C


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